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Lehi Cityscape


Lehi City General Plan Land Use The Lehi City General Plan Land Use Map is a long range planning map that shows the City’s anticipated future land uses. The Land Use Map is based on a “broad brush” approach in that, unlike the City’s Planning Zone Map; it does not precisely locate every land use to an individual parcel level. The Land Use map shows general locations of land use activities, facilities, and physical characteristics, but emphasis should also be given to the written policies for land use decision-making.

Lehi City GIS Maps Dashboard

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The GIS department is responsible for all maps and geographic data within the city.

Master Transportation Plan This map is a long range transportation planning map that depicts future master planned roads including their anticipated cross sections, widths and general locations.

Master Storm Drainage Plan

Parks Map This map shows the locations of various public and private parks found in the Lehi area.

Bike & Pedestrian Plan     Lehi Traverse Mountain Trails Concept Map   These maps show the existing and proposed locations of various trails in the Lehi area.

Zone Map This map depicts current zoning information for the City. The City is divided into various zones which govern the use, intensity, area and other requirements for the use of land.

Subdivisions Map

Scout Merit Badge Map

Mink & Hog Farm location map
