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Lehi Cityscape


Engineering heading photo

The Lehi City Engineering Department is the driving force behind the city’s dynamic growth and development. Our dedicated team of engineers and professionals is committed to creating and maintaining safe, efficient, and sustainable infrastructure. We manage everything from innovative planning and design to meticulous construction and ongoing maintenance. Join us as we shape the future of Lehi, one project at a time!

Design Standards

The Design Standards section provides comprehensive guidelines and requirements for construction and development within Lehi City. For detailed information and access to the full set of design standards, please click here.

Development Code

The Development Code outlines the regulations and procedures for land use, zoning, and development in Lehi City. For more information and to view the full development code, please click here.


The Inspections Division ensures all construction projects comply with city codes and standards through regular site visits and evaluations. For more details on the inspection process and scheduling, please click here.


The Maps section provides a variety of geographic and zoning maps to assist with planning and development in Lehi City. To access maps and downloadable resources, please click here. For the Lehi City GIS Maps Dashboard, please click here.

Master Plans

The Master Plans section outlines long-term development goals and strategies for various sectors within Lehi City. For detailed master plans and future project information, please click here.

RFP’s & Bid Solicitations

The RFPs & Bid Solicitations section offers current opportunities for vendors to bid on city projects and services. For details on active requests for proposals and bidding processes, please click here.


The Traffic department oversees traffic flow, safety, and infrastructure improvements throughout Lehi City. For updates on traffic projects, road closures, and safety initiatives, please click here.


Current Projects

  • Lehi Water Management: Upgrading our water supply and drainage systems to ensure a sustainable future.