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Lehi Cityscape

General Plan

General plan mapIn order to provide the necessary direction for future development, Lehi City has adopted a General Plan. The General Plan outlines the City’s goals and policies with relation to physical, social, economic, and environmental issues. It allows the City to proceed into the future in a way that will enhance the amenities and services of the community and the quality of life and available opportunities for Lehi City residents. The essential characteristics of the General Plan is that it is comprehensive, general and long range. “Comprehensive” means that it encompasses all geographic areas, including anticipated future areas of the City, and it directs and coordinates the City’s overall development pattern. “General” means that the plan presents policies, but does not indicate specific locations or extremely detailed regulations or requirements. “Long Range” indicates that it looks beyond the present and attempts to identify opportunities, possibilities, issues, and it looks to position the City to aggressively and deliberately manage and guide a course for the future.

The General Plan is comprised of four main elements including:

  • Land Use
  • Parks, Open Space and Recreational Facilities
  • Moderate Income Housing
  • Transportation

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